Sunday, September 18, 2005

Someone tell me how much can it rain in one place. Delhi has started getting rain from the last 2 days as I came to know through my family. Here in Bhubaneswar if I find the sky clear and no water falling from heaven to completely soak me within 15 seconds flat, then it will seem different. So much has it rained since the last 10 days or so (non-stop, unlimited, beating down on the roofs) that the recent Mumbai floods would definitely have got a lot less (this makes me want to praise the dranage system of Bhubaneswar though I feel it is more because of the elevated land area that has resulted in this beautiful drainage).

The pros of these rains is the wonderful water that is always present for you to take a bath in. We can always go to the bathroom to do that but bathing in the rain has a different sensation which only people who have VOLUNTARILY taken a bath in the rain will be able to explain. Another huge advantage is that I actually sit inside my room all the time and that is really essential right now with a business plan, Kurukshetra presentation, project appraisal and company analysis to be done in the next one week.

The con is definitely the difficulty with which clothes dry up. They take more time to dry than start smelling due to the dampness. I thought I had left this clothes problem in the navy but it seems to keep occuring again and again. "History repeats itself" so they say.

Not that I never think about people in distress but this time my heart seriously goes to the people in the drought affected areas. Cant someone give some of this rain to them?

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