Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Some days life is so dull. As if their was nothing in this entire world that could shake the laziness away from you. Then suddenly one day in between will change the entire my case I would put it at 2 days actually. This entire term had started on a very lazy note. Absolutely no classes and the entire weather ensured that we did not feel the need to get out of our beds....let alone do some useful work. The last two days changed the entire thing.

In the end it feels as if some hidden force had just been gathering strength to strike at the right time. This time it had to be my girlfriend...actually it was me only...I am just blaming her (after all I can take those liberties on my blog ;-)) Yesterday I suddenly came to realize that I had (I thought) not told my beloved (her name is Megha btw) about my blog. Just one of those things which suddenly strike you and I could not believe what will happen to me when she finds out. Daring that I am, I decided to find out my fate and the next time I mailed to her, I sent her the link to my blog.

I came to know almost instantly that lightning takes a lot of time to strike. She took less. The next moment I knew, she had inundated me with "How could you's"...well had I known the answer, I would have told her but that is not the case....even I dont know. It has taken two days for me to get back into her good books again (hopefully) and this time I intend to be more carefull. You dont want to lost the faith of the one person who means so much to you, right...

So the next time you are getting bored...just 'forget' to tell something to your girlfriend / boyfriend (I dont think the latter will work is the girl's who have the knack of scolding properly)

All the best people.

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