Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our PM is a silent cow….GOOOOOD

A recent news article related to Mr.Gaddafi of Libya’s fame having a talk with our friendly PM Mr.Singh mentioned how G had called the situation in Libya similar to the one in Kashmir and Mr.S had made no comments on that (at least none were mentioned in any articles). There have been numerous issues both domestic as well as international where a statement from our beloved Mr.S would have not only looked good but was also required and he didn’t say anything. Sometimes, it has gone to the extent that I felt like smashing a TV somewhere (aka Mr.Ricky Ponting in a recent world cup match) but somehow managed to not.

I guess we might just come out lucky that Mr.S doesn’t have a tongue to talk about. The current political situation in the world where almost every corner of the planet is having some war or other, a world war cannot be ruled out. History has shown that USA became the world mover & shaker only after the two wars asserted his dominance over the world. Even UK bowed to such an extent that even now after decades having passed, UK is the foghorn which USA uses to express its issues. And how did USA become strong? WW-II: USA was not even a part of the war for most of the years but entered only after all the rest of the armies were either annihilated or totally tired and turned the tide in the favor of the Allies. With a WW-III, it might not be a bad idea for India to take that role. Thanks to our Silent Sardar (those two words sound like an irony together…), India has taken no sides in any international issues. While we did stay away from voting for a no-fly zone in Libya along with the other BRIC nations and Germany, while China and Russia have also gone on to demand an immediate ceasefire just 4 days later, India remains mum on the man slaughter happening in that poor North African country. Similarly, our friendly neighbor China continues to force Tibetans into all sorts of ridiculous positions and India continues to talk of the age old saying of “Hindi Chini bhai bhai…”. The Koreas keep shouting hoarse at each other supported by either China or USA and India (even though a self acclaimed super power) has no say. Entire Middle East is almost up in flames and while Mrs.Clinton is telling every single person in the entire region how US is “with them in their hour of need”, India is absent…again.

Doesn’t this give us an awesome opportunity? The entire world having already decided who they are going to support will be fighting each other and possibly nuking half the planet, we will be peacefully growing at 8%+ GDP and possibly supplying the rest of them with food and technology further enhancing our GDP. And then in the end when a stalemate is reached, we can decide which team to join and not only win the war but also become leaders of “the new nation”. Forget a permanent security council seat in UN, we will make our own UN. NATO would have been wiped out and another force based in New Delhi would have become the new peace keepers in the world.

But then again, we will possibly need a more vocal PM to decide when to finish the war since Mr.S will not be able to make that decision….or maybe Mrs.G will read this blog and decide to help him!

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