Friday, March 11, 2011

Sorry Mother Nature

Sorry Mother Nature..... for we have sinned.
You provided us with food.... and we butchered you for minerals
You provided us with air..... and we suffocated your atmosphere
You provided us with land.... and we bombed it with our inventions.....
We confess Mother Nature.... that we have sinned....

We pray to God when none of us have seen him....
Why dont we pray you when you show us what you can do?
Take pity on us Mother Nature....since we have sinned....

Within moments whole cities in Japan were washed away today...
Even the US & China...supposedly the strongest nations.... were left clueless and ashamed by a single puff of breeze by nature...

But will we learn?

Heartfelt condolences with all those who have suffered from the ill-effects of what everyone has contributed to. Yes, we can claim that all this is because of the moon and how it is at its closest to Earth, but is that seriously the only reason?

Please learn Earthlings....Please Please Please

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