Monday, August 08, 2011

Agnostics view

"Please get my son to pass his exams."
"Wish I could get that promotion."
"Get me past these exams God."
"Make that lovely girl fall for me."
"Get me happiness in this marriage."

Few of the wishes that possibly go on in people's minds when in a temple....?

I call myself an agnostic (and I sincerely feel that I am) and I happened to land up in a Sai Baba temple in Bangalore yesterday with my wife. While standing there watching the innumerable number of people who were sitting / standing and chanting the hyms (which were pretty nice), I could not help buy think about the various things that all these ladies and gentlemen would be thinking or wishing for. Maybe all the above and a lot lot more. Maybe hoping that the next stock market crash will not lead to them going bankrupt. Maybe, just maybe.

The mind is a very volatile place and thoughts float around. Once through on the guesses on what will be going on in different minds, I was felt wondering if there was a single person in that gathering of possibly afew hundreds who was actually wishing for happiness for more people than himself or herself? How about wishing for a very very fast invention of a way to harness sunlight in a more renewable way? How about wishing for a mind reversal of all the people who (for their own sake) dont mind harming others (some get termed terrorists and some others are the more educated "powers of the world")?

Why not get all these card companies to come up with a day to commemorate selfless wishing where everyone will need to pray for something for the whole world for a whole day instead of focusing only on our own very very narrow and small worlds? Get your God to bend on his or her knees and actually make this world a better place? Get us agnostics to start believing by showing us the power of God which will not have something to do with some disasters somewhere?


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